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989 Downloads for my new epsiode #45, which has only been out for 5 dayz.
Barry has 41 subscribers (confirmed by Midnight), and his show is so cold right now that even the seduction torrents dont bother uploading his shit.
And use a screen shot from your site stats so that its confirmed that its only counting unique hits and not F5 like LUCIFER used to do.
Yea shit... fuckin.... so what have you been up to... uhhh man.... ha ha.... oh rly? haha yea shit.... diggin your way out with a spoon... hahaha... yea....
hahaha "hey guards... that guys trying to escape".... "oh wow... that was quick... you guys got him" no problem man... hahah... just trying to be a good
imformant like i was on the outside... hahaha... yea shit.
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Any normal person would realize that about 185 listeners per day is nothing to brag about, especially with all your spamming. And that's before we count all the times you downloaded it yourself.
Your show sucks. No one cares.
I didn't see anyone ask. As far as I can see, no one gives a shit about your pathetic traffic stats other than you. But if I missed the posts where everyone out there is desperately curious if you managed to get even 50 listeners yesterday (looks like you didn't), send me the link and i'll check it out.
My guess is that you've spammed more links to your crappy show than people have downloaded and you're average less than one download per spam link. lololololol so pathetic
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Those look like just regular referral stats from people going from here to that age on your site. Just because 66 people went to that page from here, doesn't mean they all downloaded.
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Nick, you of all people should know Im just....
Nick, I expect these other guys to take things seriosuly since they dont know ay better , but you....?
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I wasn't necessarily bashing, it just didn't make sense to me that you would be able to track downloads directly from visits, without some sort of tracking software that works like affiliate tracking software does.
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Dude, im just here to shake the hornets nest and troll, you know that.
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Yo Nick!
I'm a desperate little scammer boy trying to make some money by trying to promote PUA shit and I'm using your forum for free advertisement!
I'd love to spam the shit out of your forum but I'm afraid I'll end up like SuperJoint!
Other than that I'm not a pathetic weirdo loser.
P.S. You should give me my own sub forum here, to end the "podcast fiasco".
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This section is called Bash the Podcast, not PRAISE the podcast. If u banned me you wouldnt have anything to hate. Stupid German, go suck on some jeeww soaps.
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His stats were pretty pathetic even if you assumed they were true. I've clicked that spammy link a couple times myself, so if you have to deduct those and people like me, you probably have fewer listeners than your average bus.
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yeah i bet that stupid cartoon charater in his(PUA) avatar was his favorite activity before he discovered puahate
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beware of his nlp techniques, that's how he gets so many downloads
don't believe me? check out how many pages there are in EVERY HYPNOTICA THREAD
either closet guru worshiping, or NLP..... man
be afraid, be very afraid